Looking for your new favorite indie artist? (We found him just outside Scranton, Pennsylvania.) American songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Clyde Rosencrance’s experimental project Sleeplore will wrap you in warm, plush layers of sound. It feels...

In our hyper-speed world of produce-and-consume-as-much-as-you-can, “resting” is often forced to take a backseat—or thrown out of the vehicle entirely—as we navigate through life. Many of us clench our teeth and the steering wheel, white-knuckled,...

I imagine the way I feel about new indie music (or new to me) indie music is similar to the way a fashion icon feels when slipping into a trendy new pair of tailored pants...

If I was sprinting the last leg of a nocturnal glow stick relay race through the sequoias of Big Sur, “Breakdown” by Even Thieves would propel me toward the finish line via my sporty earbuds....

Okay, okay…when I typed “on tour” I didn’t mean I was physically present but rather that I was telephonically present during the band’s drive from Nashville to Chicago. (Zip it! It still counts.) Before we...

After two interviews with male-based bands (a HUGE thank you to The Polarizers and Chasing Moonlight!), I found myself wanting to shine the third interview’s spotlight on a strong, creative female in the indie space....

I don’t remember who followed whom first, but I do know when I connected with Chasing Moonlight last September on Instagram it was right around the time they released “Jagged Symmetry”. In my pajamas amidst...

Since I’ve been keeping tabs on The Polarizers for the past few years, I knew an interview with them would make a fitting first entry. Trey, Victor, and Miles breathe fire into their music –...